Nobel Biocare offers an extensive assortment of bone-level and tissue-level dental implants for all indications, bone types and surgical protocols, to satisfy every user experience level and selected treatment concept.
The scientific foundations of Nobel Biocare’s business began in 1953 when Professor Per-Ingvar Brånemark discovered that titanium integrates with bone. The original Brånemark implant system has enjoyed over forty years of clinical success. Newer implant lines also include Nobel Active,Nobel Replace, Nobel Speedy, Nobel Perfect and Nobel Direct.
The company is based in Zurich, Switzerland and manufacturing takes place at five production sites located in its major markets of the USA, Europe and Asia. Nobel Biocare also offers training, continuing education and clinically documented treatment concepts.
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Most Insurance Plans Accepted, New Patients welcome serving patients in Dublin, Columbus, Hilliard , Upper Arlington, Powell, Worthington, Westerville, Lewis Center, New Albany and the surrounding areas of Sothern Ohio.